LE Massage ayurvédique
Basé sur la digitopuncture & fasciathérapie
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Le Massage Suédois :
This is the best known of all massages. It is the ultimate wellness and relaxation massage.
It is therefore recommended for relaxation, and also indicated in case of body ache. It can be soft or dynamic.
A massage is characterized by its rhythm and pressure. It alters movements more or less deep, to reduce tension, and relax the body by the fact.
Effleurages, kneading, friction ... allow to increase the flow of oxygen in the blood and stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation.
In the end, we feel "lightened", relaxed.
Le Massage Californien :
Cette technique de massage apparut aux États-Unis dans les années 70, permet de «lâcher prise».
Certaines études affirment même que ce massage aurait des vertus «anti-déprime».
We work more on the tissues than on the muscles themselves.
It is practiced with fluid oils, with different odors; lavender, coconut, aloe vera, citrus ... A feeling of inner travel is announced thanks to its scents.
Drainage Lymphatique Méthode Manuelle :
Its function is to help the lymphatic circulation but also to "clean" the cells via the lymphs.
For aesthetic purposes, it is considered the "anti-water massage" for all slimming candidates.
It has an "anti-cellulite"effect which is more and more popular. It requires a thorough knowledge by the practitioner of the body lymphatic system and that of the face (indication if the face is puffy, or post-operative cosmetic surgery).
Manual lymphatic drainage aims to stimulate the return of lymphs in the venous system to promote the elimination of toxins and waste accumulated in the body.
This is a technique that is practiced in practice, by subscription because the foul lymphs take a while to be relaunched. The result is visible after 3 to 4 sessions. But a series of 10 to 15 sessions is necessary during this time to sustain the results and act effectively on the lymphs.
La Frigithérapie :
In addition to a Swedish massage, Californian or lymphatic drainage, we can add 15 minutes of "frigitherapy". They are strips dipped in a patented mixture that allows, at the level of the lower limbs, to reduce their internal temperature. This sensation of intense cold, persists between 2 and 3 hours after the removal of the bands.
This is a "pre-cleaning" treatment before performing the manual massage.
This technique is recommended for heavy legs, persistant cellulite, followed by manual lymphatic drainage, or massage. (Type to be defined by the practitioner).